PSAI Publications Catalog

The Philippine Statistician

One important activity of the PSAI is the publication of The Philippine Statistician (TPS), which is a refereed scientific journal published twice a year. The TPS aims to disseminate a wide range of papers of technical, theoretical, and applied statistical nature considered of general or special interest to varied groups of statisticians.

The Philippine Statistician has been indexed in Scopus since 2015 with ISSN:2094-0343.

Download: [ TPS Guidelines for Authors ] [ TPS Editorial Board ] [ TPS Publications ]

PSAI Edition

The PSAIeditions is the official newsletter of the Philippine Statistical Association, Inc.

Code of Ethics for Statisticians

This Code of Ethics for Statisticians are codes of conduct/ethics and related materials available for reference in the accreditation or certification for Statistics professionals. It is similar to those existing in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

About PSAI


